December Progress
Entire Team Updates
On November 28, we were invited to the semi-annual CCS School Board meeting. It was an honor to be recognized for our achievements at such a prestigious event.
Detecting Team Updates
So far, we have continued ordering parts such as a new sleeve, an arduino starter kit, and a piezo buzzer (sound-emitting device). In addition, we have planned out the exact location for each component on the arduino board for the prototype.
Testing Team Updates
We are also ordering more parts including operational amplifiers, resistors, DACs, batteries, wires, and breadboards. We are continuing to assemble the EMG tester as well as exploring more options to code a program that simulates EMG and EDA waves.
Injecting Team Updates
We finalized the first prototype design which uses a simplistic motorized system. However, we are thinking about using a spring lock mechanism in the future. In addition to this, we ordered parts for prototype including filaments and an injector apparatus device.
Public Relations Team Updates
We created individual donation forms in addition to our GoFundMe account, so each team member can collect funds to cover the cost of the trip to EurekaFest in June. We have contacted the public library for the Mid-Grant Review and were able to reserve a spot for February 18th.