December Blog
"Hey, it’s us! The Chattahoochee InvenTeam, officially renamed the Gasbusters!
Once our team heard that we had gotten the prestigious grant, we were thrilled to treat ourselves to an ice cream party. After the initial excitement, however, we decided to get to work. Throughout this month, our technical and sustainability teams have been working hard to improve our initial research and delving deeper into the chemistry behind methane and our proposed solutions. In addition, our sustainability team has also begun studying for their Solidworks certification. Meanwhile, our communications team has been busy reaching out to our state's governor, our city's mayor, and many different news outlets. Thanks to our wonderful communications team (Kristen, Moukthika, and Kennedy) for the great success of our Instagram, at 150 followers! Look out y’all, we’re coming for that pizza party!
We are proud to announce that we have officially given our first interview! Our school newspaper, the Speculator, has been kind enough to report on us for their most recent segment. Although the beginning was bumpy and our nerves were in shambles, the interview was a wonderful practice for the team and a great way to see where we needed to improve. We are slowly inching towards further opportunities; learning through the process is always an extra benefit!
Last but not least, we are especially grateful for our wonderful mentor Ms. Lee for guiding us through the entire process and helping us work through our trials and tribulations. She has guided us to have a positive mindset throughout our several months of progress and has supported us to have a stable foundation for our future endeavors.
For this upcoming month, we are super excited to finally meet our InvenTeam Education Fellows in the Internal Tech Review! As of now, we are working together to prepare for our Internal Tech Review. Thanks to our hardworking team members, we have made so much progress this month, and we can’t wait to see our invention take off!
So the next time you find yourself stuck between a gas stove and methane emissions, Who do you call? The Gasbusters!
So who do you call when you find methane all around? The Gasbusters!"
Follow our socials!
Instagram: @hooch_inventeam
Youtube: @LocalGasBusters
TikTok: @gasbusters