Beginning-of-June Update
Getting Ready for EurekaFest - Fence Simulator
The team has been working on a fence simulator to present during EurekaFest to help the audience understand how the system works. In addition to this, Anders and Greta are working on using LEDs to show the travel of electricity, programmed by an arduino board. The LEDs light up and "travel" to different places, making the poster unique and easy to understand. Viewers will be able to touch the poster in different places, causing different LEDs to light up or turn off, by completing the circuit. This should clearly illustrate what variables affect the travel of electricity in our fence.
Finally, Zoe is creating a process map on how the fence simulator is working, in order to help Phillip program it.
Outlining the entire process
Dayyan and Zach have been working on a document that outlines the entire fence process to make sure the entire team knows how the fence works, so they can present it during Eurekafest and answer questions from the audience.
Here are the main items the document will cover:
What the multi-vibrator is
What coils do
What the pulse generator is intended to do
What the modules are for
Preparing the Fence
Andrew and Greta are spraypainting the fence with the school colors: blue and yellow. They will have it looking great soon, so as to have it ready for EurekaFest.
Presentation Script
Brian is writing a script to outline all of the slides in the EurekaFest presentation to be able to help those who will be presenting.