This March has been very hectic for the team, but we have been trying to make the best of it despite being socially distanced!


We would like to share with deep disappointment that the EurekaFest event planned for June, has been postponed to later in the summer at the Boston Museum of Science. The team has been working diligently and regardless of being kept out of school until May, and having no real previous example to follow, the team is still trying to develop the product.

Moving forward with our agenda, the team has been hosting weekly meetings through Zoom to keep track of our progress, discuss new tasks, and also to catch up. Recently, we met with Doug Scott over a Zoom meeting, to discuss building a model village house out of wood. We’re looking to complete this to have a display for some form of a EurekaFest, back home once the pandemic is eventually resolved.

Additionally, on the technical side of things, we’ve been working to generate our website through raspberry pi. We hope to start building and customizing our website soon. While doing that, we’ve been calibrating our prototype, getting it to display accurate values, with repeated testing of different objects, such as ice, fake snow, and weights.