Always Sew Busy
As each of our subgroups make progress, we find our team delving deeper into each of our objectives. At the beginning of each class period, we collectively touch base, share updates per subteam, and align our goals to make sure our efforts are coordinated.
The finance team has been hard at work filling out our teams’ expenses and organizing our returns. Both the communications and finance teams are regularly reaching out to possible donors to help fund our project. Our tech team has made great progress and has divided into two groups. One group is focusing on the development of the device’s circuitry, while the other group is experimenting with textiles to create an interactive compression band. Our administrative team holds all of us accountable, makes sure that attention is paid to details, and manages the coordination of all of the subteams.
We are ECSTATIC to announce…we have officially fundraised enough money for flights, room, and board for ALL 27 team members and 6 chaperones!!! We are immensely grateful to all of our generous donors and to our supporters who have been advocating for our team and device. THANK YOU!!