Almost There!
Entire Team
A few team members attended the Conrad Spirit of Innovation Summit at the Kennedy Space Center in Cocoa Beach, Florida. This event provided our team with feedback regarding our device, as well as various funding strategies we can utilize. It was beneficial to our team to talk to industry professionals, as well as talk to other teams presenting at the event. Our whole team has been meeting as frequently as possible in order to ensure that we are prepared for EurekaFest. As the school year came to a close, we created a summer meeting schedule in order to continue our progress.
Injecting Team
We 3D printed parts for the case of the device in order to make it more efficient. Regarding our prototyping, we wired two circuits for two separate prototypes we are currently working on. We also conducted research to find batteries that provide a decent amount of voltage but also are small in size.
Testing Team
Through our matlab program we were able to create a set of values that approximate the EMG signals and then we were able to use those specific data points and put them into the Arduino. The Arduino then read them to the DAC. When we analyzed the signal with the oscilloscope, it matched our predictions accurately. We are now looking to combine our results with the fake skin and fix background noise.
Public Relations Team
We have been busy creating new brochures to provide at EurekaFest. The brochures we initially had at the MGTR were not spectacular, so we remade them. Now, they better reflect our team and our progress. We also created a template for our tri-fold poster on Adobe InDesign. On June 2nd, we will find out how much money was raised for our team through Italian Ristorante Roma; this will hopefully help with some travel costs.