Hello World! We are The Bronx Development Cooperative Initative (BCDI) InvenTeam hailing from The Bronx, New York City. Our project is a wearable safety device that addresses physical safety rooted in our conversations around rape culture. In our conversations and in the development of this project we hope to address a couple of concerns:
- Could data/tracking your safety make you more confident to tell an authority figure?
- Could a wearable device act as a visual shield?
- Could tracking your data be used as proof for rape?
- Could our wearable device create a safe space to talk about the myths and realities of rape?
For the last couple of weeks we've been participating in "101 workshops" including intro to laser cutter and intro to paper and wearable circuits. Below are some highlights :
Our next steps include:
- Moldmaking 101
- PCB milling
- RESEARCH resources in our neighborhood that address sexual harrasment/rape