July 15 & 16, 2025
Tustin High School, Tustin, California

Join us in  California this summer for our invention education PD workshop. You'll discover how to re-engage students through invention education by tapping into their own passions and interests to solve problems that are important to them and their communities.

  • IvE allows for inclusivity in STEM
  • IvE works across disciplines (transdisciplinary)
  • Build confidence and computational literacy
  • Engage students in their local communities through problem solving
  • Enhance social skills through teamwork and collaboration

Meet expert speakers, educators, and colleagues who will share activities and techniques that enable students from all walks of life to develop confidence in their ability to engage in STEM. You will experience activities that:

  • Support the engagement of students from diverse backgrounds in STEM learning
  • Develop students’ capacities to think and act as inventors
  • Develop hands-on skills needed for creative problem solving
  • Promote entrepreneurial mindsets

No matter your level of experience with Invention Education, you’ll benefit from the range of activities and events at this unique PD Workshop.


Special Sessions
Invention Education: What and Why

This overview explores the true power and promise of Invention Education as seen through the eyes—and results—of educators and students.

Invention Process Sprint

Ready • Set • Go! You’ll be on the path to invention in this fun (and often hilarious) workshop that takes participants through the invention process. This workshop is led by former InvenTeam teacher and LMIT Invention Fellow, Doug Scott, along with LMIT’s Invention Education Officer, Leigh Estabrooks.

Scaling Invention Education Efforts 

You’ve developed an Invention Ed program at your school. Now what? Hear from others how they took an initial program and deployed it throughout different disciplines in their school and/or college.

Panel discussion: From Idea to Invention 

Experts from various programs outline the process and possibilities involved in not just taking an idea from a twinkle in one’s eye to a marketable product, but the importance of protecting your idea at every step along the way.

Tailored Workshops
  • Light Up Your Classsroom with Light Up Kicks (New Curriculum)

  • Little Inventors, Big Ideas: Bring Innovation to Your Classroom with Invention Adventures (New Curriculum)

  • Inventive Minds, Protected Creations: Intellectual Property Knowledge for Elementary and Middle School Inventors

All grades
  • From Idea to Impact: The Power of Invention in STEM Learning

  • ELA Enters IvE: Invention Education is Transdisciplinary

  • Preparing for the Future: Creating CS Pathways for the next generation of Inventors

High School/Community College
  •  Implementing Capstone: One Class's Journey (High School)

  • Hands-on with the Invention Process Curriculum (High School & Community College)

  • Building Partnerships for Strong IvE Pathways Curriculum (High School & Community College)

Join a Community of Educators and Inventors
  • Meet and work with thought leaders in education as well as our Invention Education Fellows—educators who have extensive experience incorporating invention education into the classroom. Click here to meet the Fellows. 

Click here to Register.