Sponsorship Opportunity: Bring your industry to life with an Online Learning Adventure!

Lemelson-MIT is seeking sponsors for joint offerings that will engage high school students across the globe in live, online programs to discover ways leaders in select fields are inventing and innovating.

Join LMIT in creating transformative problem-Based learning in which students discover:

  • Human needs and challenges being addressed by leaders in particular fields (such as biotechnology and transportation)

  • New research findings, the latest inventions, and topics the students could study if they enter the field

  • College and career possibilities and paths that can lead them to good paying jobs

How does it work?

LMIT staff works with your organization to design the custom program, identify and recruit students and guest speakers, and co-deliver the program alongside you. Our support includes:

  • Management of the program offering,
  • Sourcing highly qualified instructors needed for small group instruction
  • Guidance of students’ work and technologies needed for program delivery
  • Assistance with recruiting

Benefits for High School Students

In many high schools, the ratio of students to guidance counselors is 650:1. Without adequate support, students struggle to discover what difference they want to make in the world. Our highly rated programs offer glimpses into different fields and foster dialogues with professionals. Students are able to explore college/career interests, and discover different paths they can take after high school.

Students learn to work in virtual teams through group projects and a culminating event in which teams present their work to others. Completers receive a certificate signed by the sponsors and the Lemelson-MIT Program, giving students a valuable resource for their resume and/or college application.

Ways Your Organization Benefits

Your organization will be aligning your brand with LMIT – a program that has worked with students and educators across the United States for more than 30 years to foster invention and innovation.

Collaborators benefit from instant access to a highly skilled team that works hand-in-glove with your organization to design and implement the online program offering.

The online format of the offerings allow you to reach young people across the globe, thereby supporting all communities in which you operate.

Online Learning Adventures Examples:

LMIT’s evolution from in-person to online offerings started in 2020. Our staff of educators and industry experts has the experience to bring your program to life. 

BIA educator
Biotech in Action (BIA)
BIA launched in 2020 through a collaboration with a large company focused on neurological diseases. Together, we helped students learn ways the biotechnology company develops new therapeutics and brings them to market to improve lives. Thousands of students participated in fourteen sessions over three years.
Rail Innovation in Action
The California State Railroad Museum and LMIT created an eight-week program focused on students learned about railroad electrification power alternatives and supply chain management. Over 200 students from around the country lparticipated. The program will continue in fall 2025.
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Your Industry In Action!
Imagine the possibilities! An online learning adventure featuring your industry is an amazing way to increase public outreach and make a difference in students' lives. Community involvement and exposure to real-world opportunities are what educators say matter most. Let's collaborate and bring your industry to life!
Teen at laptop

Sponsorship Information

Costs for each online offering vary according to the duration, number of students, and other factors. The average cost for an 8-week (24 hour) offering for 250 students ranges from $181,000 to $216,000. Sponsorship may be shared among affinity sponsor cohorts.

Let’s work together to foster the next generation of innovator talent.

For more information, contact Stephanie Couch at scouch@mit.edu.