BioTech in Action: Free Virtual Fall Program 2021

Open to all high school students currently in 10th-12th grade (ages 14-18 if outside of the US).
This fall, the Biogen Community Lab and the Lemelson-MIT Program are continuing to collaborate to empower a new generation of young scientists and inventors through state-of-the-art virtual programming. Designed to foster a passion for science and invention, the programs are committed to ensuring diverse groups of students participate. Students will have the opportunity to meet and interact with Biogen and MIT employees and obtain an inside view of a biotech company and university.
The program will focus on Biotechnology and Alzheimer’s.
This presentation will explore what it means to be a biotechnology company. It will provide students with an in-depth view of how Biogen utilizes the field of biotechnology. We will discuss the inventions of medicines to treat neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s, one of Biogen’s main focuses.
The nine-week virtual program will begin on October 9 with a two-day intensive workshop held on Saturday and Sunday (three hours each day). The two-day workshop will be followed by eight Saturday sessions (three hours per day). The total program time will be 30 hours plus the time students dedicate to their posters outside of class.
Students will be encouraged to enroll in pairs or in small groups, and will work together when completing the Labster and/or poster activities. Students may, however, participate as individuals.
The program is available at no cost to students and educators.