Monica Storss
Monica Storss is the Learning Management Specialist for the Lemelson-MIT Program. Her experience as an educator in two-and four-year colleges informs her understanding of educator’s needs and effective uses of technology to support teaching and learning.
Monica has a significant interest in Learning Sciences which contributes to LMIT’s program design and research. Prior to joining LMIT she worked as an educational consultant and Learning Solutions Architect for F-100 companies, startups, and non-profit organizations.
In her creative work, Monica is a humanities futurist. She works with off-world art, poetics & emergent technologies. She founded the arts collective known as Digital Poetics and is the creator of the Augmented Reality Poetry Machine. The AR Poetry Machine debuted at MIT's Hacking Arts Festival in 2019 and was sent to Earth's moon in February 2021 as part of a larger payload delivery with Astrobotic.
BA – Portland State University
MA – English & Creative Writing, UC Davis
Q: If you could invent anything, what would it be?
Adaptive, Assistive Learning Technologies to augment learning capabilities and tech equity