MHS InvenTeam February 2019
MGTR Preparations are in full swing for the Marshfield High School InvenTeam! All systems are go for our February 28, 2019 date!
We have had a busy month and all of our Teams are hard at work getting ready for our presentation. We finished up the month of January with our "practice" MGTR held at Datawheel in Cambridge, MA. The company generously opened its doors to our Team and gave us the entire site to use for our presentation. Over 17 adult professionals from many differnt fields listened to our Team, gave amazing feedback, asked probing questions, and supported us in our journey. We received tremendous feedback on our presentation, materials, and design. We have been busy analyzing all of our feedback and making suggested modifications to our program and design. We are so grateful to this amazing group of professionals and to Datawheel (founded by folks from the MIT Media Lab - FYI) for their support of our efforts.
Our MECH and TECH Teams have continued to develop, modify, rethink, and work on our prototype. They have been working hard on developing our sensor/warning system and creating our safety barrier. Our Administrative Team has been keeping us on track for our deadlines, deliverables, and business meetings. Our Design Team has been hard at work creating images for our brochures, banners, and publication materials. Our Sustainability Team is busily preparing for the CSDA Certification exam and anticipate having their shiny new certificates soon! Public Relations/Communications has been pulling together the details for the MGTR and keeping our Social Media pages updated. The Financial Team has been keeping an eye on our bottom line and planning for future expenses. Our Faculty Team has been working with our High School Administrative Team to make all the arrangements for our MGTR and our School Administrators have been so supportive of our efforts!
We are so grateful to the Lemelson-MIT Program for this amazing opportunity! We have grown so much and really feel that #WeRInventors!! Thank you.