January Blog Update

This month has been full of improving and learning, with our main focus being on our presentation skills. We’ve been getting closer to picking which of our three prototypes is most effective.

On December 23rd, our two female sub-committee leads went to Sierra Nevada Section Society of Women Engineers to present our prototypes, along with explaining why this project matters. After the presentation, we were given constructive criticism on what to improve for our presentation and PowerPoint. They advised us to give people motivation to help our cause. Along with recommending us to include specific information into the why and how of our project.


Our team was visited by Anthony Perry, the Invention Education Coordinator of MIT. He gave us tips on how to make a powerful and thought-provoking presentation for our mid-grant review.

Our mid-grant review presentation, which is on February 28th, 2020. Is something we’ve recently began to work on. The presentation is mainly to reach out to the community for help in finances, so that we can get to Washington D.C. in June. That is where we will present our fianal product to MIT. We are also reaching out to get help from experts in our community.

We were visited by Michael Gillette, the Lead Designer for Reno Jumpstarter. He helped the team establish a format for our Mid-grant review PowerPoint. He also taught the Research Team to work on microcontroller kits.