January-February Progress Update

Throughout the rest of January we have been working on programing our camera system with Arduino. We have also been working with different types of Vernier, Atlas Scientific, and Raspberry Pi sensors that we will be using on our camera system in June to test Ph levels, conductivity, and temperature of the St. Clair River.


Atlas Scientific.

For the past week we have been taking inventory on the parts that we have so we can make orders with the last of our grant money and begin assembling out final products. 

Five of the girls on our team have been creating and practicing PowerPoint presentations to take to Underwater Interventions in New Orleans next Tuesday. 

On the side we have been looking into different fundraisers that our team can host to collect travel funds in order to get to Eurekafest this June. So far we have been successfully gathering ink cartridges from our community to recycle for refunds. We are also in the middle of planning a color run set in the end of May for ours, and the surrounding communities in order to raise more travel funds. 

Madison Howard the team's sustainability lead earned her certificate for Sustainable Design at the level of Associate.